Sunday, 10 June 2012

"Ba ba black sheep (or white sheep) have you any wool...?"

In the case of Wilma, Betty and Declan the answer is no!  Finally our three sheep got shorn yesterday - although now the temperatures have reduced slightly I bet they wish they still had their winter coats on.  I am pleased to report all three were well behaved for the sheep shearer and now look very smart and fresh.

I am pleased to report the donkeys seem to be back to their usual selves and are happily wandering around the field.  However we are having to keep an eye on Alice; she is a very old lady and recently has been showing her age a lot.  Judith is giving her some extra TLC to put the spring back into her trot.

I would be exaggerating if I said we had been blessed with back to back sunshine this week, but the rain does seem to have come over night and in the morning and cleared by mid morning - which seems to work quite nicely for getting out and exploring Cornwall.

If you are looking for things to do on damper days there is plenty to do in Cornwall, for example, the more energtic amongst us could try your hand at surfing - it is one of the many things Cornwall is famed for after all! Or why not explore the Helford River by canoes (I fancy doing this!).  You could always wrap up and go food foraging - the in thing with food and countryside lovers.

Or if you fancy a more sedate and relaxed rainy day activity why not take a trip on a real steam engine at Bodmin - keep an eye out for themed days.  You could combine a shopping trip in Truro with a wander around the impressive Truro Cathedral, situated in the heart of the county town.  There is also Lanhydroch House, an impressive National Trust property that has one of the best upstairs down stairs layouts we have seen.  They have lots of activities on throughout the year for all the family.

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